Research Monograph The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market and Policy Implications December 30, 2023
Series No. 2023-03
December 30, 2023
- Summary
This report provides an overview of the recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and examines its potential to automate jobs in the Korean labor market. Through an analysis that merges expert assessments of AI capabilities with the skill profiles of occupations in Korea, it is found that, as of 2023, 38.8% of current jobs are at risk of having over 70% of their tasks automated. Predictions for 2030 suggest that nearly 90% of tasks across 90% of existing job types might be subject to automation, if the current task structure should remain as it is.
Nevertheless, the technical feasibility of automation does not directly translate to an imminent risk of automation. As of the end of 2021, only 2.7% of private firms with more than ten employees had adopted AI according to official statistics. When considering the differential AI adoption rates by firm size, it is estimated that about 10% of the workforce is exposed to AI.
In pursuit of a more nuanced understanding of the actual risk posed by automation, this research delves into the impact of increased AI exposure within local labor markets. The findings suggest that while AI's introduction does not meaningfully affect total employment, it tends to lower earnings, with women's average earnings disproportionately affected. More granular analyses indicate that an increase in AI exposure, driven by plausibly exogenous factors, has primarily resulted in diminished employment and earnings opportunities for younger workers at the nascent stages of their careers.
Drawing from these findings, this report proposes policy recommendations to navigate the challenges posed by AI in the labor market effectively.
- Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The History and Present of Artificial Intelligence Technology
Section 1 A Brief History of AI Technology
Section 2 Current Status of AI Technology
Section 3 Interviews with Experts on the Current Status and Policy Directions of AI Technology
Section 4 Conclusion
Chapter 3 AI Technology and the Potential for Job Automation: Based on AI Experts and GPT-4 Survey Results
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Existing Literature and Recent Developments in the Debate
Section 3 Data
Section 4 Research Methodology
Section 5 Key findings: Current Status and Prospects for AI Workplace Performance Levels
Section 6 Estimation Results
Section 7 The Future of the Professional: Interviews with Experts in the Fields
Section 8 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Adoption and Utilization of AI Technology by Korean Companies
Section 1 Adoption and Utilization of New Technologies
Section 2 AI Adoption Rates from Official Statistics
Section 3 KDI Survey
Section 4 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Impact of AI Technology Adoption and Utilization on Employment and Wages in Korea
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Existing Literature and Theoretical Review
Section 3 Data
Section 4 Analytical Model
Section 5 Estimation Results (1): AI Adoption and Firm Employment
Section 6 Estimation results (2): Regional-level AI impact and labor market outcomes
Section 7 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Policy Implications
Section 1 Executive Summary
Section 2 Policy Implications
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