2022/23 EIPP Development of a Skilled Workforce of the EV·Battery Industry : Hungary - KDI 한국개발연구원 - 연구 - 기타 보고서
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KDI 한국개발연구원


CID 모듈화 2022/23 EIPP Development of a Skilled Workforce of the EV·Battery Industry : Hungary 2023.11.30

CID 모듈화 2022/23 EIPP Development of a Skilled Workforce of the EV·Battery Industry : Hungary #교통 및 물류


  • KDI
Chapter 1. Overview of the Development of a Skilled Workforce of the EV·Battery Industry in Hungary

Chapter 2. Review of the Macroenvironment in Hungary

Chapter 3. Status Analysis and the Field Study of SWEBI in Hungary

Chapter 4. Development of SWEBI in Hungary Focused on Secondary Education

Chapter 5. Development of a Curriculum for an EV-Skilled Workforce in Hungary Focused on Secondary Education

Chapter 6. Planned Roadmap of Mid-to-Long-Term Manpower of the EV-Skilled Workforce in Hungary

Chapter 7. Suggestions for Future Research Topics 35 References
동일 주제 자료 ( 9 )
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