- Macroeconomics
- Financial Economics
- Law and Economics
- Regulation
- Labor
- Education
- Industry
- International Economics
- Public Finance
- Welfare Economics
- North Korean Economy
- Public and Private Infrastructure Investment
- Land and Infrastructure
- International Development
- Economics Education
- Economic Information
Policy Study KOR CBDC-based New Banking System, Bank Runs, and Efficient Allocation#Financial Supervisory and Policy #Banks and Financial Institutions #Competition Policy
Sunjoo Hwang 93p
KDI FOCUS Path to National Champions: Transforming Support Policies for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)#Corporate Studies: Business Strategy #Productivity and Business Dynamics #Technology Innovation and Start-up #Medium-sized Enterprises #General(Other)
Minho Kim 16p
Policy Study KOR Analysis of Unfair Trade Factors in Agency Deals#General(Other)
Gong Lee 106p
KDI FOCUS Protecting Customer Funds for Emerging Financial Products#Financial Supervisory and Policy #Consumer Finance #Corporate Studies: Business Strategy
Sunjoo Hwang 20p
Research Monograph KOR Competition Policy in the Digital Platform Economy#Competition Policy
Min Jung Kim 351p
KDI FOCUS Competition Policy for Online Platforms’ Self-Preferencing Conducts#Competition Policy
Min Jung Kim 70p
Research Monograph KOR Green Transition Strategy and Implementation
Policy Study KOR A Study on Information Provision and Consumer Protection in Online Platforms#Consumer Welfare and Protection
Min Jung Kim 47p
Other Research KOR Integrating ESG Factors to International Development Cooperation Policy: A Preliminary Guideline
Other Research KOR The Role of Public Agencies and Governance for the Realization of ESG
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