Monthly Economic Trends KDI Monthly Economic Trends 2025. 2 February 10, 2025

- Summary
■ The Korean economy maintains modest production growth, while downside risks heighten amid worsening external conditions. ○ While the manufacturing industry shows improvements, particularly in semiconductors and automobiles, overall production growth remains modest due to weaknesses in the construction industry. ○ Domestic demand recovery remains sluggish due to weak consumption and construction investment, while export growth is gradually slowing from its previous strength, particularly in non-semiconductor sectors. - Retail sales and the value of construction completed continue to decline, while household and business sentiment indicators remain at low levels. - Despite strong growth in semiconductors, exports are showing signs of slowdown mainly in other sectors. ○ As political uncertainty persists, rising external uncertainties are heightening downside risks to the economy. - Concerns are growing over contracting trade conditions as tensions, led by the U.S., intensify.
- Contents
Major Economic Indicators
Summary and Assessment
Major Indicators of the Korean Economy
1. Gross Domestic Product(at
(2020 Constant Prices)
2. Economic Activity
3. Consumption
4. Equipment Investment
5. Construction Investment
6-1. Exports, Imports and Terms of Trade
6-2. Current Account and Financial Account
7. Employment and Wage
8. Price Indices
9-1. Financial Market (I)
9-2. Financial Market (II)
10. Housing Market
11-1. Major Indicators of the World Economy (I)
11-2. Major Indicators of the World Economy (II)

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