- Macroeconomic and Financial Policies
- Industry and Market Policies
- Public Finance and Social Policy
- North Korean Economic Studies
- Global Economy
- Regulatory Studies
- Economic Information and Education Center
- Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center
- Center for International Development
Industry and Market Policy
in the Corporate, Financial and Labor Markets
The department analyzes the economic impact of policies
on various markets and institutions to promote greater fairness
and efficiency, and a dynamic economic environment.
and Market

Major research fields
Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomic Theory
International Economics, Economic Growth/Development, Technology & Innovation, Public Investment, Productivity
Game theory, Collective decision-making including elections, Swing voter‘s curse, Candidate nomination systems and legislative cooperation, Effects of the National Assembly Advancement Act in 2012, Public sector reform (civil service recruitment systems and corruption), Political economy of public investment projects, Liberal democracy and economic growth, Higher education reform. Korea‘s financial supervisory system, Corporate governance, Reshaping Institutions and Policy Structure for Innovati
Primary Field: International Economics(Trade)
Capital Market, Currency, International Finance, Corporate Finance
International Trade, Economic Development, Environmental Economics
Industrial Organization, Antitrust, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics
Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Antitrust
Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics
International Economics, Growth and Development, Firm Dynamics
Empirical IO, Applied Micro-econometrics, Dynamic Pricing
Microeconomic Theory, Behavioral Economics, Energy Economics
International Trade, Environmental Economics
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